Greetings from Pamela in Kotzebue, Alaska!
(I recently designed and MADE my fur gloves and lynx hat that you see pictured above. It's all part of SURVIVAL here in the Arctic!)
I am making exciting plans to expand my scope of outreach to the precious local Inupiat Eskimo people here in Kotzebue in a big step of faith!
After much agonizing over whether I would seek to leave prior to the onslaught of another Arctic winter, OR brace myself to remain here and tough it out, I have finally decided to remain here. Last winter was very hard on my health. Illnesses I have never experienced in my life (such as Arctic lung and severe staph infections), I encountered during the brutally cold winter months here, with temperatures down to -70 below zero day after day. Arctic winters are very draining emotionally and hard on one's health. However...
Lisa and her family still need me to watch her children, as she flies to the villages to minister to the Inupiat native people in their medical clinics. She flies out every other week, and I take her place in taking care of her children while she is gone.
I have further discovered that my compassion for people coupled with my musical skills, also ability to teach arts and crafts to elderly and children, are also greatly needed here as well.
After having provided piano and autoharp music for the elderly here in the long term care facility at their hospital, coupled with my now-famous brownies, everyone there let me know how much they really appreciated my music and spending time in prayer with the elders there.
The children here do not have a true recreational facility to come and hang out, play games, learn arts and crafts, etc. There are no fast food restaurants here, no "Chuck E Cheese,"no WALMARTS or shopping malls. Kotzebue remains a small and isolated Eskimo village in the Arctic circle.This can create boredom, that can then lead to alcohol and drugs and other problems common to youth anywhere.
I have decided to use my years of experience in teaching children arts and crafts professionally, to minister to the precious children here in Kotzebue! Having taught leatherwork to children previously, I am planning to order TANDY leatherworking tools and belt blanks, to teach the children how to make their own beautiful belts with native themes such as moose, bear, eagle and nature stamps, plus their own name on their belts as well. They will even be able to stamp "JESUS IS LORD" on their belts!
This will be coupled with sharing the love of Jesus Christ for children, and providing them with their own personal children's Bibles free of charge.
While no one knows how much time America has left, there is one thing that MUST continue regardless, and that is the ministry of the Word of God to mankind! Precious souls need Jesus Christ and salvation in every season.
I refuse to allow a sense of fear and panic to overwhelm the command of God to minister His word to everyone, in every season.
In fact...with what is coming to America, for many people, this time period of grace may be their LAST OPPORTUNITY to hear the Word of God, and repent and get saved before great destruction comes to our nation.
Furthermore, how safe do you think Alaska is, less than one hundred miles from Russia, with detention camps on the mainland and on the Aleutian islands, and everything in place here for martial law? More reports are constantly coming in that make it clear that Russian troops will be used against Americans under martial law.
However, I have chosen as a Christian FIRST, to put aside all of my research, and to focus on how I can reach the precious people here for Jesus Christ, in the time we have left. I have chosen to forget looking out for my own personal safety, and to instead attempt to lay down my life to reach out to people here.
And for this reason, your support is desperately needed.
Honestly, I do not even have a functional survival winter coat for the Arctic at this time.
And children's Bibles and ministry tools for this outreach all cost money.
Your love, prayers and support for this work and to provide me with a functional winter coat are greatly appreciated at this time!
In fact, you can directly help provide the tools of ministry to reach out to these children! have the Tandy leatherstamping tools and mallets that are needed, plus leather belt blanks. Children's picture Bibles can be ordered online through Amazon and sent here for these children.
You can help reach out to these children by ordering and having such tools sent directly to me. And thereby know that every cent you have invested has gone directly into this Christian outreach work.
Simply contact me first to find out which leatherstamping tools are needed for the children, and which version of Children's picture Bibles are needed for them. All Bibles sent will be given freely to these children, and you can have your name inscribed in it as well as the benefactor.
In the forty years I have been a born again Christian and involved in many ministries, I can proudly state that I have never been in ministry for money,or filthy lucre. Most of the ministries I have been involved in, have provided very little pay or none at all. The same has been true for my many years of investigative journalism on behalf of my fellow Christians in North America.
However, at this point it has become critical to receive support for my work here in the Arctic circle. We have no long term emergency survival food supplies, should disaster come. I do not even have an adequate coat.
Although I am working 40-60 hours per week to assist Lisa with home care, I only now receive a tiny grant from the village paying for just ten hours a week...not enough to make it on, in a remote region where 1 gallon of milk is $12, a carton of eggs $5-$6, a loaf of bread $6, etc.
Just two cases of bottled water a week is almost $100 here at the local AC grocery store. I can only consume bottled water due to heavy carcinogenic contaminants in the local water supply here. When I tried to subsist on the local water, I became very sick when I first arrived here. Several websites I later visited, providing a detailed water analysis of Kotzebue, made it clear WHY I became sick from the water!
Help me to reach out to these people with the love of Jesus Christ in the precious time America has left before the storm and before "...the night comes when no man can work."
At this point, I have decided that nothing else matters more in my life than REACHING ONE MORE SOUL FOR JESUS CHRIST. This is my central focus at this time.
Thank you for your love and your prayers of support and caring in a practical way at this time. I am praying for you, all my readers (God knows who they are) as well.
Pamela Rae Schuffert reporting from THE ARCTIC CIRCLE

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