Monday, February 10, 2020

Guillotines In USA Today: Rumor, or Grim FACT?

-By Pamela Rae Schuffert presenting investigative journalism as a wake-up call to AMERICA before it is TOO LATE-
-From Revelation 20:4
As one continues to read this particular verse, Revelation 20:4, it becomes clear that it is referring specifically to those Christians to be beheaded under the an antichrist satanic world globalist government of Revelation 13, who will refuse the cashless 666 society and refuse worship of the false "god" of the NWO which is in reality LUCIFER, as former satanists admitted to me.
I can never forget praying with another Christian prayer warrior one night when the divine Holy Spirit spoke to us clearly and said, "I am pouring out MY SPIRIT upon my people in America now, because without His power, you will not be able to make it with what is coming to your nation!" 
This was in 1976. Stunned, I asked, "Father God. What is coming to our nation?" He replied, " My child, if I were to show you now what is coming to your nation,you would NOT BE ABLE TO BEAR IT." Shock and silence as I pondered those heavy words.
And the next day, my prayer partner exclaimed, "you won’t BELIEVE what God showed me after we asked Him to show us what is coming! He gave me a VISION of Christians arrested and lined up in front of modern guillotines, to be BEHEADED FOR THEIR FAITH!"
I am ashamed now to admit I laughed within when I first heard this. Because now, many years later, I know through several decades of in-depth research that THE MODERN MILITARY GUILLOTINES ARE A GRIM REALITY OF THINGS TO COME. 
Both intelligence and military sources have admitted to me during numerous interviews that highly covert training programs for select Army platoons have been taking place in US Army bases such as Fort Lewis, Fort Benning, Fort Hood. Fort Bragg and others.
I personally interviewed Staff Sergeant Donnie Boysel of Fort Lewis, Washington, while he was in full uniform and traveling home on leave. Previously warned by another military source stationed at Fort Lewis, that there was a covert guillotine training program going on there, I confronted Boysel that day.
He almost fell on the floor with shock when I mentioned this!
"How do you know about the guillotines at Fort Lewis? This is highly classified information! In fact, when I return from leave, my job will be to train the men in my platoon (64) in how to operate them, using practice dummies.The building is partly underground and we can't even bring cell phones inside because they don't want photos taken of the guillotines..." 
I asked him if he was a Christian and he replied yes.I then informed him that the guillotines would be heavily used under martial when they begin to arrest Christians under martial law as " NWO resisters."
I said, "Donnie, they will drag these Christians before the guillotines and demand they RENOUNCE THEIR FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST and join the NWO...or be BEHEADED FOR THEIR FAITH. Now can you train your men to behead people...?" 
He was silent as he thought about the implications of what I shared. He looked at me and said,"My superiors never told me they would be used like this! No...I can never train my men to do this now! I will tell them...we are not going along with this martial law agenda....I am calling my men immediately..." 
We parted soon after this discussion of several hours.You can read my full interview with him in my 2009 reports on my website, And of course a highly censored/controlled mainstream news media will never tell the American people the disturbing truth about this dark secret and hidden agenda.
I have written much more besides on my website about these interviews.Truck drivers I have personally interviewed across America have admitted to me that they have hauled loads of these mysterious modern guillotines to military bases across the USA...BUT they were never told what their dark clandestine purposes were.
But various former insider sources admitted to me they were a part of the future NWO/martial law agenda for America. They would be used to behead future "resisters of the NWO," with Christians heavily targeted.
In Holy Scriptures, we read one one woman of faith in God, Esther, who was to discover that there was a terrible plan to annihilate her Jewish people by a wicked adversary Haman, even as her uncle Mordechai, warned her.
Grieved and concerned for her people, she sought for a way to save them...ultimately marrying the King and then risking her very life by pleading with the King to SPARE HER BELOVED PEOPLE from genocide that Haman's evil law would create against the Jews.
Esther's tactics were successful, the king was angered over what Haman had plotted, and this whole plan of genocide against her beloved Jews was averted. Her people were rescued from certain death by her efforts.
Through my 25 years of in-depth research, I too have been compelled into a similar position, loving and caring deeply about my fellow Christians after being repeatedly warned of the NWO agenda to persecute to the point of genocide of the Christian's under martial law, frankly admitted to me in person by more than one former NWO planner and insider. 
Crushed by what they told me awaited my beloved fellow Christian's under martial law ("...brutal rape,torture and death..." according to one intelligence source), I fasted and prayed, asking God what I could do to help save them and to wake them up to this horrific and heinous threat to their very existence.
My 25 years of relentless journalism to uncover the truth about this dark agenda of a very real, Biblically-prophesied NEW WORLD ORDER and it's ominous implications for my fellow Christians, all came forth following my prayers for God to show me what to do to warn my people.
No one has paid me to perform this journalism, and in fact it has cost me everything...and will someday ultimately cost my life for daring to expose the truth.
But even as Queen Esther, or Hadassah, I have also said in my grieved heart, "if I perish I perish..." but I must do whatever I can to warm and wake up my beloved people across America!
Body of Christ, God has sent faithful witnesses and "watchmen on the wall" like myself and others besides, to warn you of dangers to come. 
What are you doing to prepare your hearts for future persecution and coming temptation to "DENY JESUS...OR DIE?" 
The very salvation of your eternal soul depends upon your obedience to Jesus, "Be thou FAITHFUL UNTO DEATH,and I will give you the crown of life..." Jesus has warned us that IF we DENY HIM BEFORE MEN, He too will DENY US.
This means NO SALVATION, and eternity in eternal torments and everlasting destruction...for without Jesus you have NO SALVATION.
Remember this when martial law is declared and the persecution of Christians begins in earnest across America...and the guillotines of Revelation 20:4 are brought forth to fulfill End Time Bible prophecy at last...and the NWO advocates drag you before these guillotines and demand that you deny your precious Savior,or die...or you are thrown into prisoner boxcars with shackles to be hauled off to grim FEMA camps for elimination. Many of these prisoner boxcars also have the modern guillotines installed in them as well, according to eye witnesses I have interviewed.
Please, join with the saints and martyrs of Christ through the ages who have gone before you, and choose to confess Jesus faithfully unto the end. 
They are among the great cloud of witnesses, watching from Heaven's ramparts with God Himself to see who will gain the glorious crown of LIFE and remain FAITHFUL UNTO DEATH!
Your sufferings in this world are but FOR A MOMENT..but eternity in Heaven is forever..and so is HELL.
Choose wisely your path, Beloved fellow saints and martyrs of Jesus, the Messiah! For you WIN or LOSE by the WAY YOU CHOOSE...