Monday, June 30, 2014
Ukrainian Churches Being Attacked in Slavyansk, Ukraine
Pamela Rae Schuffert,
Saturday, June 28, 2014
UPDATE on "Prayer Journey Across America"
Pioneering Prayer Journey Across America
By Pamela Rae Schuffert presenting investigative journalism from a Biblical Christian perspective-
I realize by now that all my readers are wondering about the former plans for my prayer journey adventure across these United States, heading out west. I love traveling and meeting new people all across America, in order to pray with and minister to them. I previously wrote several articles about this and my plans.
However, the prayer journey has been temporarily delayed due to several factors. Only a few weeks ago, my precious Christian prayer warrior friend, Lynn, collapsed physically and I had to take her to the local emergency room ( at the same hospital that previously saved my brother's life last fall.)
I insisted she have a CAT scan. That scan indicated the distinct possibility of stage four pancreatic cancer. We were both deeply saddened by this report. Her sisters were called, and they came up to help escort her to their home and provide a home and care for her at this time.
And in an instant, our plans were shattered. We planned to travel and pray over various regions of America, visiting several places of Christian ministry for ourselves as well and to share out burden about what is coming to this nation. Arrangements had been made to work together in Montana to help fund this outreach and to provide housing for the ministry. And now, all of that has been put on hold.
While her latest PET scan indicates the possibility that she does not have stage 4 pancreatic cancer, but possibly something else much less severe, she is unable to travel at this time. We personally believe that she had a miracle visitation of God between the CAT scan and the PET scan's later results. However, she remains weak and with pain problems. And so I am compelled to pray about reformulating this special prayer journey.
Therefore, I spent all day yesterday in the presence of God in deep prayer, asking Him for His guidance and will in this matter. Jesus has promised us that whosoever follows Him shall not walk in darkness.
God is a God of perfect wisdom and guidance. I am a Christian who believes in the importance of THE WILL OF GOD for each one of our lives. How much better His will and plans are for our lives than ours!
In this desperate hour America finds herself in, due to dangerous US foreign policies in Europe and the Middle East, both of which are capable of triggering WW III, I have zero time for anything less than the perfect will of God.
How important it is for all of us to take the time from our busy schedules to LISTEN to what the Holy Spirit is telling each one of us in this hour. And then, to DO what He shows us.
This is exactly where I am at presently. I am not stepping out to do anything of major importance until I am confident I have heard the voice of the Holy Spirit tell me "this is the way, walk ye in it."
The greatest works of God through our lives are formulated when we take the time to listen to His voice, and then obey Him. I refuse to spend money and make plans and exert efforts until I KNOW that I have heard from the Father and His will is made plain.
How many of you want to be in the right place at the right time whenever disaster and destruction come to this nation???
"I do! I do!"
Right now America is facing the grave possibilities of severe attacks due to our foreign policies presently, and judging from numerous articles I have been reading, this may include nuclear strikes and EMP threats as well as other potential tragedies to come.
God is a God of perfect foreknowledge. He lives in the realms of eternity, far outside of time. He knows exactly what is to come to our nation. And He has the divine insight and power to preserve the lives of His saints from sudden destruction.
Simply read PSALM 91 and many other Bible verses of promise to better understand His wonderful ways. God does not lead His people into destruction. "He preserveth the lives of His saints." (Psalm 97:10)
Many Christians wonder whenever God's people suffer harm and tribulation. Some even fall into that trap of the "blame God" syndrome for every evil that happens in this world, forgetting we live in a fallen and sinful world alienated from God. They forget that the devil goes about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.
It is the devil who leads God's people into harm and destruction, and not a holy God. Jesus warns us that the thief, satan, comes to steal, kill and destroy. And people who also behave this manner are truly Satan's servants and tools of destruction.
A perfect illustration of this are the fanatic ISIL jihadists who have recently swept through Iraq. These barbaric hordes (that America has formerly funded and trained, to our great shame) have destroyed numerous churches and have murdered Christians, tempting them to deny Jesus first, and then killing them when they refuse to.
These Islamic murderers are truly of their father the devil, and the Holy God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ is not in this. Their false god "Allah" is NOT the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! And this is also why the emerging cult of CHRISLAM is a deadly and deceptive false doctrine, and a lie, even if the Vatican itself promotes this.
And so, I am patiently waiting on the revelation of God at this time, seeking His wisdom and counsel for my life's direction and the future PRAYER JOURNEY ACROSS AMERICA.
We know that God is faithful. He will give revelation to all of His children as they seek Him and wait patiently for His answers. Never be discouraged if you are seeking God for answers. His answers will come in His perfect timing.
As I wait, I am taking the time to minister to the people God is bring into my life. It is amazing what happens when you pray and ask God to send people into your life that He wants you to minister to. And I pray for this to happen every single day.
Recently God caused me to encounter a young man in great need with a most unusual background and fascinating story. He is considered a "targeted individual" due to his tragic background of being forced into military mind control programs from his earliest youth. (I will write about his situation in another article soon.)
Christopher Rowland
Simply pray for Christopher Rowland, native American flute player and artist. I am buying him meals when I encounter him and spending time ministering to him, lifting him up from great heaviness and the never-ending attacks on his life due to his past.
He loves Jesus and knows much of the Bible, in fact. But he struggles with every day life challenges and tragedies, even losing his home and having to live out of his car at this point.
God's love manifested through our prayers and acts of kindness can do much to lift up those in crisis. And there are people in crisis all around us in this nation today, including in YOUR world around you.
Please continue to keep North America in prayer. Don't think for a moment that what is happening to Christians in Syria and Iraq now, cannot happen in America's future should nuclear attack and war or martial law come to our nation.
Many anointed men and women of God have prophesied of great and terrible persecutions to come to the Church in America, as judgment comes at last to this nation. Truly, this is a time to "watch and pray" for all of God's sincere remnant of true Believers in North America...and throughout the world as well.
Keep my beloved Christian friend Lynn in your prayers as well, for perfect health.
I need your prayers also. More recent auto repair bills have caused my present funds to run dry at this time. (This is the only reason I am frequently mentioning the need for support.) I am praying for all my readers, and our nation also.
Let us remember to keep Christians who are suffering around the world in our prayers at this time. Persecution and martyrdom is striking many Christians in Africa and the Middle East and other nations at this time, most often due to Islamic terrorists acting out what is taught in the Koran and following the "fatwas" (edicts or laws) issued by their imams.
Some imams are even issuing new fatwas for Americans to be killed and Christians as well. What a dangerous and deadly cult of cruelty, barbarity and death Islam has been proven to be! It will be difficult to convince people worldwide now about how Islam is "a peaceful religion." I am glad the truth has been clearly been shown to the world now through present world events.
Christians crucified for their faith under Islam
But this is the nature of every cult and false religion. It's origins are always ultimately from the devil, the father of lies and of all false religions. And just like the devil, the cult of Islam also comes to bring persecution, death and destruction to the world.
ISIS/ISIL executing opponents
As we can see clearly, Islam is spreading terror and death and destruction everywhere it seeks to take over and rule in the world. Such is Islam, with a false god "Allah" and a religious book full of error and lies, and a false prophet called Mohammad. The fruits of a false prophet and false doctrines not of the one true God are quite obvious.
Thank our Almighty and Living God for sending Jesus Christ to the world instead of leaving the world with deceivers and cults like ISLAM.
"I Am the light of the world!"
After seeing the horrors of militant Islam on the march under ISIL in Iraq, tell me: which religion would you rather be ruled by? Jesus Christ and His wonderful teachings, or the doctrines taught by Islam that turn men into monsters and murderers?
People are never the ultimate enemy, but rather the doctrines and teachings that govern the lives of men. People will always act out what they believe in and follow. It is therefore the doctrine and teachings that instruct and guide people, that are the greatest enemy of all. Doctrines can transform people into great SAINTS, or into terrible monsters.
I am so thankful to be a Christian and following the teachings of my Savior, Jesus Christ! And thankful that the Bible promises that JESUS CHRIST SHALL RETURN to put down all false cults and abominations and governments, and HE SHALL REIGN OVER ALL THE EARTH SOMEDAY! And we who are faithful unto the end shall reign with Him.
"These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them, for He is LORD OF LORDS and KING OF KINGS.
And they that are with Him
are called, and CHOSEN, and faithful."
I sure am glad I am with HIM, both in this world and in the world to come...HEAVEN SOMEDAY!
Thank you for your prayers and ongoing support. I hope to be able to soon have a "tent-making" position to earn some extra income to make this journalism possible, but for now, the only income I have is faithful reader support.
"The fervent prayers of the righteous person avail much."
Thank you for your ongoing prayers for America
at this critical time, and for the persecuted Christians of the world.
And my fellow Christians,
thank God that He has people
thank God that He has people
in the world like YOU
to make the difference!
-Pamela Rae Schuffert-
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Why Do Many Christians Often Become Sick?
Hosea 4:6
Throughout these many years I have enjoyed being a born again Christian, I have noticed that so many Christians seem to be suffering from illness today. Yet the Bible gives us so many Scriptures of promise for miracles and healing for God's people.
First of all, I believe in miracles, including that of healing. Jesus Christ remains the same yesterday, today and forever. The same Almighty God Who healed through His Son Jesus Christ on the earth 2000 years ago, is able to heal us today.
I know this personally, because I was dying 42 years ago, at the age of 18. After two doctors failed, I finally reached up to Jesus Christ for salvation and for A MIRACLE. And that miracle actually happened! My doctor confirmed that I had a healing miracle that was medically unexplainable following testing at his office.
My doctor exclaimed, "I don't care what you have have had a medically unexplainable miracle happen. No doctors and no drugs could have done what has happened to you!"
That was many years ago. Since then, I have had no more epilepsy nor brain damage nor seizures...not one. I have refused to be on prescription drugs, rarely get sick or see a doctor, and have lived an active and healthy life all these years.
I have also witnessed many other people receive divine miracles through faith in God's Word through Jesus Christ and His power throughout the years.
But I have also noticed a disturbing trend in today's modern world: so many Christians become sick and are seemingly NOT healed even after prayer and standing on God's word. This bothered me, and I began to pray about this intensely. Didn't God's word promise healing and miracles for those that believe?
The Divine Holy Spirit began to lead at that point into studying health issues, including the problem of toxic foods in America (and the rest of the world) today. You see, we ARE what we eat and drink physically. The Bible teaches us that whatever we SOW, we shall also reap.
If a person consumes food filled with toxins and artificial ingredients and refined sugar, that person is actually poisoning the body and it will eventually result in lack of energy, sickness, and for many it will cause various forms of cancer and lead to death.
The Bible teaches us that "faith without works is dead." God does His part, the DIVINE, and we are called to do our part, the practical. Together this makes a perfect combination to achieve success in our lives.
I remember years ago, after I went to Bible college and was exposed to schools of "superfaith," that I began to pray for another miracle, that of divine weight loss. Due to genetic and inherited problems predispositioning me to battles with obesity for the rest of my life, I became weary of the battle and cried out for God to set me free at last.
God heard my cry. He clearly impressed on me to "go organic."
And so I started researching this subject and was shocked at what I discovered. How processed foods literally triggered the obesity epidemic so rampant in America today. How people are developing cancer and all sorts of other illnesses directly as a result of consuming deadly GMO foods and non-organic food laced with pesticides. How refined SUGAR is a killer and causes fat cells to be produced by the liver.
I was horrified to discover the terrible ingredients hidden in the fast foods of today, including that deadly neurotoxin called MSG, and how this also causes obesity as well.
I soon became outraged at what I realized was indeed the mass poisoning of the American people, and sadly Christians are by no means immune. And ever since I researched the world population reduction agenda for the world, I personally believe that much of this is quite deliberate.
In fact, many American Christians also suffer from problems with obesity and many forms of illness besides due to the foods they consume every single day, without taking the time to research exactly WHAT their foods contain that may be harmful and even deadly.
Following much extensive research into this important subject, I was shocked into reality. I purposed to be ignorant no longer. I immediately began to change my eating habits. And soon, GONE were the unhealthy hamburgers at the fast food joints! GONE was the morning breakfast cereal laden with artificial colors and flavors and the ever-ubiquitous SUGAR.
Bye-bye, fast food chains and junk foods, like deadly potato chips fried in harmful and pesticide laden cottonseed oil and made with potatoes already filled with toxic pesticides. Popular sodas quickly went out the window as well. (Few Americans understand how deadly to their health the popular cans of soda pops we all grew up drinking, really are.)
But will the greedy processed foods industries, hungry for your business and your dollars, ever TELL Americans the tragic truth about their processed foods and drinks they sell you daily??? NO!
ONLY by keeping the consumers in the dark about their harmful ingredients added to their products daily, can they continue to successfully market their foods to the American consumer. Yes, they may list ingredients (but not all) as required by law, BUT they will never tell you just how harmful some of those ingredients really are.
Foods that are readily available to the consumer are actually capable of making you sick.
Many cancers and heart disease, infertility, autoimmune diseases and more can be directly linked with unhealthy food consumption. And also linked to the LACK of consuming HEALTHY ORGANIC/NON-GMO FOODS as well.
After several years of educating myself and putting this kind of information into personal practice, I believe that I have finally discovered a major reason why so many Christians are sick today. And none of this is the will of God for His people.
However, that is exactly why Bible verses like the following were written for our edification:
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge."
This verse can be applied to not only lack of spiritual knowledge, but also practical knowledge in many fields as well. Every day Christians are injuring themselves unwitting by consuming food and drink filled with harmful ingredients.
Furthermore, they are failing to build up their health by consuming healthy alternatives to processed foods, such as organic fruits and vegetables, nutritious nuts and berries, etc.
This is where the Bible verse "faith without works is dead" come into focus. A Christian can pray all day to be healthy, BUT if that same person loads the body with junk food and processed, refined foods and neglects their health, HOW can this prayer be fully answered?
It then falls into the category of putting God to a foolish test. "Hey, God! Bless me with perfect health and healing even as I consume all this junk and soda and candy...'cuz your word says I can pray and ask You for anything I want, in Jesus' name!" ( the old flesh wishes it would work this way! But in reality, it doesn't.)
As mature Christians, we are called to work together with God and His promises, to see such prayers for our health needs fulfilled fully.
I pray daily for God to bless my health. But then I also take practical steps to do my part as I work together with God's word for a healthy body.
My daily food habits include only organic and non-GMO foods, the purest bottled water I can find, healthy and safe cooking habits (but mostly raw for maximum benefits,) plus sprouting and other healthy food habits. Fasting periodically is also important for maximum health.
Foods I used to consume throughout the years have been discarded, once I discovered they are unhealthy. This is not always easy,because our bodies love certain tastes and have developed a liking to many foods that are not necessarily good for us. But the benefits to our health are well worth the sacrifice!
Daily exercise is also very important for our cardiovascular health and for many other reasons besides, including keeping our weight down.
This is often the hardest for me. Journalism requires many hours of research and composing at the computer, which requires much sitting. By the end of the day, I find myself very tired from this work, and it can be hard to make my body take a walk or hike for an hour or so, or work out. But I continue to coach myself in this area, because physical exercise is so very critical to achieving good health.
If you are a Christian struggling with health issues, disappointed that even after prayer there seems to be no improvement, then this article may be helpful for you. God has not failed you, nor can He fail. His word remains ever true. Continue to trust in Him and stand on His many words of promise.
But then, you must purpose in your heart to become informed on this important subject of WHY we need to go with organic/non-GMO foods/drink in this toxic world.
Take the time to study this subject and begin to make your life healthier immediately by throwing out your unhealthy processed foods and junk food, and purchasing healthy organic alternatives instead.
Forget the saying that "but ORGANIC is more expensive!" How costly is your health, after all? Isn't it worth EVERYTHING? And think of the expensive medical bills you will end up paying someday if you DON'T invest in healthy food for a healthier body now!
Actually, I found eating organic/non-GMO is MUCH cheaper! How so? Because of the money I save by NOT purchasing the expensive non-organic processed foods, including mostly eliminating unhealthy and expensive meats, milk and dairy products.
I can easily afford to go organic daily because of this, even on my very tight journalist's "shoestring budget."
I can easily afford to go organic daily because of this, even on my very tight journalist's "shoestring budget."
Here is one more reason Christians need to become informed on this subject. It grieves my heart whenever I attend a church picnic.
Typically, spread out on the tables are mostly unhealthy foods laden with pesticides and MSG and GMO's and articificial ingredients. Bags of junk food often accompany this (chips, etc.).
On the dessert table I find all processed (box mix) cakes and cookies and brownies laden with GMO sugar and artificial ingredients and more. All of this does not minister LIFE to God's people, but in reality it causes eventual sickness and health problems.
Equally tragic are church outreaches to the homeless, in which "food" is provided and handed out, that is totally unhealthy for the receivers. I watched one homeless outreach project by one church, in which they set up booths for food distribution in one city on a Saturday.
Curious, I went to their booths to see what they were feeding the homeless. I was sad to discover that they were feeding them unhealthy hot dogs laden with nitrates and nitrates (which cause cancer and tumors) which was surrounded by a nutritionless refined white flour bun.
For drinks, they were serving bottles of soda pop, filled with sugar and artificial colors and flavors and other unhealthy ingredients. It is not enough to feed such people spiritual food, if it is then followed with unhealthy physical food that again can eventually lead to sickness and death as the final result of unhealthy eating.
Of course, the Christians doing this were very sweet and kind. None of this was intentional. But while appreciating that church's good intentions, I left that outreach feeling sad inside. Jesus fed thousands of people, but NEVER gave them food that was not good for them. He always gave them the bread of LIFE, both spiritually and practically.
God wants His people to be healthy, so He can use them mightily for His glory all over the world. It is very hard to serve the Lord when you are sick and struggling with health issues. Many of use realize this from personal experience.
When God created planet Earth "in the beginning," He only created fruits and vegetables and other foods that were filled with health and nutrition for both mankind and all other living creations. God's natural foods are packed with vitamins and enzymes, bioflavinoids and health benefits of every kind.
But man has ruined so much of God's perfect plan in the age of modern industry and technology. Man has now filled God's world with harmful foods and deadly pesticides that pollute both food and water today. MONSANTO has been producing both pesticides and seeds of death through genetically modifying and altering God's original fruits and vegetables.
Both people and animals are becoming sick from consuming genetically altered food products. Infertility also results from consuming such toxic foods.
To many of us it has become clear that MONSANTO is working for the "world population reduction agenda" goals. perhaps they should be relabeled "MONSATAN" instead! After all, satan only comes to steal, kill and destroy...and that's exactly what GMO products to one's health.
Many Christians have found relief from their health problems, including cancers and autoimmune diseases, by researching this subject and then turning to healthy food alternatives and lifestyles instead.
Some people have been completely cured of even terminal cancer as well. Still others have found relief from chronic depression, and diabetes, and many other illnesses besides.
God had a purpose in Creation, when He formed healthy foods from the very beginning. It therefore behooves us as Christians to study more about God's wondrous creation and purposes through it, and then apply this to our daily lives.
Especially when it comes to our daily bread. Why don't you try God's healthy foods today? Your prayers for health and healing of your body may be answered much more quickly and effectively as you work together with God's plan for a healthy body! Join millions of other happy Christians who have discovered the practical secret to MORE ABUNDANT LIFE today!
-Pamela Rae Schuffert-
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