Finally, I have returned to North Carolina to help with my brother's health issues. Thanks to God and your prayers and support, the trip was successful and safe, in spite of my sustaining a shoulder/neck injury while visiting the Christian horse ranch in Minnesota, CHANGING GAITS.
Please continue to pray for my safety, wisdom and protection from the darkness in this region. My mother and I had to originally move from the Carolinas due to several attacks on my life from the regional satanists here.
Fall in Western North Carolina
But I refuse to hide in fear, cowering under some rock. It is not I that needs to be afraid, but IT IS THOSE WALKING IN SPIRITUAL DARKNESS here. They are all only ONE HEARTBEAT AWAY FROM HELL. If I die, I go to heaven. And if they die, they perish in eternal torment forever.
I am also writing this brief article to state frankly that between travel needs and having to obtain pain remedies at health food stores on the way to enable me to keep on driving, my funds are almost totally depleted. I have less than $75 left in my account, and that will go tomorrow to pay for my monthly phone bill.
Mountains of NC
Although I planned to immediately attempt to find work in this area after arriving so I could support myself while here, that plan cannot be carried out until my shoulder and neck are completely restored, since my work requires lifting and cleaning. I am experiencing much pain even as I try to type this. All my old Christian friends and acquaintances were so glad to see me return to this area, and wanted to hug me...but I had to tell them to be careful with my injured left shoulder and neck when they did so!
Emergency financial support is therefore critically needed until I can get my feet firmly on the ground after relocating here.
Also, between times of visitation with my brother and consultation to improve his conditions with his therapist and social worker, I am fully planning to visit regions of reports of foreign troops near here (Gatlinburg TN) and elsewhere, armed with THE BIBLE in their languages. There is much Christian outreach that must be done in this ASHEVILLE NC region, as my previous articles have explained. All this requires funds for gas and traveling.
I refuse to let anything keep me from ministry at this time...pain or not. Why? Because our time may be very short in America. Every opportunity to reach the lost with the salvation of Jesus Christ must be used while we still can.
Thank you for your kind consideration at this difficult time. God bless you all.
-Pamela Rae Schuffert-

Praise be God now and forever. I thank God that your brother is fine. I have a disabled daughter who had a bed sore and, I put some local honey on it. Blessing and Glory to the Blessed Trinity.