Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Talmud: "JEWS ARE THE MASTER RACE"-Guest Article

                                 By Pastor Texe Marrs

 "Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall."
                                                           —Proverbs 16:18

"Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves."

Menachem Begin - Israeli Prime Minister 1977–1983
"There's a Shul in Boro Park, whose Rov spoke on Yom Tov about how Goyim will clean our shoes after Moshiach comes, and other such lowly tasks, with Goyim caretakers listening closely."

"The goyim will be fighting over which of them gets the royal honor of serving G-d's children in any capacity."(Above comments posted by Jews at
If I asked you what group of people embrace a set of doctrines like this, what would your answer be? Most of you would probably answer, "The Nazis." Today, in fact, it is Jews who make all these poisonous claims to racial superiority. No, not all the Jews. But, as I will document, a huge number of leaders among the Jews ascribe to these wicked and dangerous theories of racial and blood superiority.

No Basis for Peace

In his memoirs of his years in the White House, former President Jimmy Carter wrote that there could have been peace between the Arabs and the Israelis had it not been for the bigoted, Nazi-like racial views of Israeli's Prime Minister Menachem Begin. Begin, Carter recalled, believed the Jews were a Master Race, a holy people superior to Egyptians and Arabs. Begin also believed that God wanted the Jews to own the land, so there was absolutely no basis for peace. The Jews lusted after the land and intended to have it. Period.

Popular New York City Rabbi Mendel Schneerson taught that the Jew is superior and "a totally different species."

Jews a Totally Different Species?

Rabbi Mendel Schneerson, the late Jewish Lubavitcher and friend of the senior George Bush, also believed the Jews are a superior Master Race. Many Jews today agree with the late Rabbi. Some even believe that Schneerson will himself someday be resurrected and return as the Jewish World Messiah. Schneerson once explained his theory of Jewish racial superiority this way. He said, "We have a case of the Jew...a totally different species."

"The body of a Jewish person," Schneerson bragged, "is of a totally different quality from the body of members of all other nations of the world. Bodies of the Gentiles are in vain. An even greater difference is in regard to the soul...A non-Jewish soul comes from three satanic spheres, while the Jewish soul stems from holiness."

[Note-Oh, really? Please try to convince Almighty God and the public of this, Rabbi Schneerson, when so many Jews are involved in Sabbatean satanism (involving rape, murder and human sacrifice to SATAN.) Please try to convince Almighty God and the public of this, when the vast majority of people involved in HOLLYWOOD and movies filled with violence, profanity, immorality and SIN are Jewish. And what about the pervasive JEWISH MAFIA? Would you call this holiness also? And Jews involved in the pornography industry? Rather, the Christian Bible declares that ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. THAT MEANS JEWS AS WELL. The Jewish prophets throoughout Holy Scriptures often referred to the sins of the Jewish people and how judgment from God would come UNLESS there was repentance. And God often brought judgments upon Israel and Judah for their sins. And therefore, ALL need the Savior for salvation from SIN, Jesus the Messiah!The obvious facts speak for themselves.-PRS]

Holocaust activist Elie Wiesel, whose lies about his holocaust experiences seem to be legion, also claims that Jews are a superior race. "Everything about us is different," Wiesel boasts. "Jews are ontologically exceptional."

[Nowhere in the Old Testament is this taught! God Himself had to bring repeated judgment against the Jews because of their sins, their idolatry, their shedding of innocent blood,  and more. READ the Old Testament/Holy Scriptures for confirmation.-PRS]

No Mixed Marriages for the Superior Race

This poisonous theory of the Jews impacts their relations with all other nations and peoples. Because they are convinced they are the Master Race, superior, god souls living amongst inferior beasts, Israel does not sanction or allow mixed marriages (The Jerusalem Report, October 20, 1994, p.26).

In the U.S.A., liberal Jews scream out for more mixed marriages, but only among Gentiles! Jewish leaders fund civil rights organizations and are in favor of increased immigration of foreign races. But back home in Israel, the Sharon government is now building a Berlin-style wall creating an apartheid nation, to keep "inferior" Arabs in their segregated ghettos.

Ze'ev Chafeto, the courageous Jewish editor of The Jerusalem Report magazine, notes that Israeli laws harshly prohibit people of non-Jewish races from immigrating to Israel. The Jews are determined to keep their race "pure" and unblemished, just as the Nazis sought for the Aryans. Christians are especially not welcome, and Israelis frequently use words similar to the condescending slang word "nigger" to describe Christians and Gentiles—vulgar, Yiddish slur words like "shiksa," "schwartze," and "shegetsz."

Since the Jews are claimed to be the Master Race, whose souls are said by the Talmud to be on a far higher plane than the animalistic, "satanic souls" of Gentiles, it is common for Jewish authorities to brand all Gentiles by the derogatory Yiddish term "goy," a term akin to a curse word. Meanwhile, Arabs are deemed so inferior they are even lower than the goy.

Jewish Blood vs. Inferior Blood

When several of his students were accused of murdering a teenage Arab girl, Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg insisted: "Jewish blood is not the same as the blood of a (Gentile) goy." In other words, if a god-like Jew kills an inferior goy, how can that be murder?

Israeli Yeshiva (school) students often demonstrate and chant, "Death to the Arabs." Defending their extreme behavior, Rabbi Ido Elba explains, "According to the Talmud (Jewish book of traditions), one may kill any Gentile." Rabbi Schlomo Aviner adds that normal human codes and laws of justice and righteousness do not apply to the Jews.

The widely studied Gush Emunim holds that, "Jews are not and cannot be a normal people...The Covenant made between God and the Jewish people effectively nullifies moral laws that bind normal nations."

"Jesus a Bastard," says Jewish Talmud

Even the leaders of Israel My Glory, a fanatically pro-Zionist, supposedly Christian ministry, have made note of the bizarre views of the Jews as found in their own book of laws and traditions, the Jewish Talmud. The organization's magazine (Dec./Jan. 1995/1996) published a revealing article detailing many of the hate-filled Talmudic beliefs of the Rabbis and their Zionist followers.

These beliefs include the teaching that Jesus was born a bastard and his mother, Mary, was a harlot (Mishna Yebamoth 4,13); that Jesus practiced black arts of magic (Sanhedrin 1076), and that Jesus is now suffering eternal punishment in a boiling vat of filthy excrement (Mishna Sanhedrin X, 2). These references come from the English translation of the Talmud known as The Soncino Talmud.

Indeed, the hate-filled, anti-Christian movie, The Last Temptation of Christ, produced by Universal Studios and its Chairman, the Jew, Lewis Wasserman, was an accurate, if disgusting, reflection of what the Jews' most holy book, the Talmud, teaches. And yet the Rabbis and leaders of the Jewish-led Simon Wiesenthal Center, The ADL, and the Southern Poverty Law Center have the audacity to blast and criticize Mel Gibson's upcoming movie merely because it recounts the gospel truth about the trial and death of Jesus. What hypocrites!

Memory of Jesus to be Blotted Out

The Talmud is full of language that portrays the Jews as God's Master Race and depicts all other races as trash and garbage. It warns Jews to stay away from Christians because Christians are said to be "unclean" and "murderers."

On the other hand, a Jew is pictured as one of God's Chosen People. The Jew is said to possess so great a dignity that no one, not even an angel, can share equality with him. In fact, the Jew is said to be the equal of God. Rabbi Chanina says that, "He who strikes an Israelite acts as if he slaps the face of God's Divine Majesty."

Because the Christian is considered unclean, a murderer, and an idolater, he must be exterminated, slaughtered without pity, squashed like a bug. "The memory of that man (Jesus) should be forever blotted out."

[Such reasoning logically provides justification for Jewish communist genocide of Christians, and now the NOAHIDE LAWS plan for mass genocide of Christians worldwide.-PRS]

"Kill All Christians"—Talmud

The famous Jewish rabbi, Maimonides, acclaimed by Christian apologists and defenders of Zionism as "a great man of God," encouraged Jews to kill all Christians. In the Talmud (Hilkoth Akrum, X, 1), Maimonides says, "Do not have pity for them. Show no mercy unto them. Therefore, if you see one in difficulty of drowning, do not go to his help... it is right to kill him by your own hand by shoving him into a well or in some other way."

The monstrous and barbaric treatment Israel gives to Palestinians and other Arabs taken prisoner is easily understood when we realize that the Jews' own holy book, the Talmud, commands that heretics and traitors be killed without delay (Abhodah Zarah, 266) and that a Gentile taken prisoner may be killed, "even before he confesses...the sooner the better" (Choschen Hammischpat, 388, 10).

Murder of Gentiles Praised as a "Holy Sacrifice"
Moreover, the murder of Gentiles by Jews is said by the Talmud to be a "holy sacrifice" to God (Zohar, III, 2276 and I, 38b and 39a). Death of Gentiles by beheading is especially recommended (Pesachim, 49b).

[Note-This is where the infamous NOAHIDE LAWS come into play, the Jewish plan for the coming MASS GENOCIDE of Christians worldwide by BEHEADING, that I have reported on extensively.-PRS]

The award-winning Jewish propaganda movie, Schindler's List, depicts Schindler lamenting how few Jews he has been able to save from a Nazi labor camp. But a little, old Jewish man says to him, "In our holy book, the Talmud, it says that if you save just one life, it is as if you have saved the entire world."

Actually, the exact wording in the Talmud says that if you save just one Jewish life, it is as if you have saved the entire world. According to the Talmud, Gentile lives, of course, have no value at all.

It is important to remember that, to the Jews, the Talmud is not an obsolete and crusty document. The rabbis teach that it is a living and breathing instructional document, a modern-day, indispensable holy book. U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, an ardent Jewish believer, was quoted in The New York Times as giving credit to the Talmud for her success on the bench. "The Talmud," said Ginsburg, "is my sacred guide for daily living."

Children Raped and Murdered

In Rome, Italy, in 2000, Italian police broke up a ring of eleven top Jewish gangsters. It was discovered that they had been kidnapping Gentile (non-Jewish) children between the ages of two and five from orphanages, raping them, and then murdering the children. These despicable crimes were recorded live on film and sold throughout the infamous global "snuff film" industry. Over 1,700 customers had paid as much as $20,000 per film to view little children being raped and murdered.

[Note-So much for "holy Jewish superior souls, " Rabbi Schneerson, eh?-PRS]

Both the Associated Press and Reuters agencies reported this heinous crime on September 27, 2000 (Also see The Rome Observer, October 1, 2000). But few U.S. newspapers and none of America's TV news networks carried this shocking news story. Why?

When Italian TV broadcast scenes of the arrests of the snuff film perverts at prime time to more than eleven million viewers, Jewish officials went berserk. Claiming "blood libel," they demanded that the Jewish elite who sat on the board of directors of the Italian TV network punish those responsible for allowing this news to surface. It was done. The TV executives were fired.

One cannot help but wonder: Was it Judaism's "most holy book," the Talmud, that put it in the hearts of those monsters to commit such brutish and evil crimes against children? After all, their Talmud says that if a grown man rapes a young girl under three years of age, "it is nothing." And Gentiles, according to the Talmud, may be killed practically without restriction.

The Master Race—Beyond Good and Evil
In any event, the Jewish Master Race cannot be held to normal standards of righteousness and morality. They are said to be "beyond good and evil." That is what Adolf Hitler believed about the Aryans. It is what Ariel Sharon and hundreds of Jewish rabbis and Illuminists believe about the Jews.

Israeli Prime Minister Yitzak Rabin, accused of ordering the genocidal murder of thousands of unarmed Egyptian POWs in 1973 and disposal of their bodies in mass graves dug by bulldozers, dismissed the heinous crime as "ancient history." Later, when Rabin conducted peace talks with PLO leader Arafat, angry Jews conspired and assassinated Rabin.

When questioned about his earlier role in the genocidal massacre by Israeli defense forces of thousands of unarmed Egyptian POWs during the 1973 Arab-Israeli war, Prime Minister Yitzak Rabin snapped, "I'm not going to discuss that. That's ancient history." An odd and telling comment, indeed, since the Jews insist there is no statute of limitations that prevents the capture, trial, and execution of Germans accused of war crimes that occurred in the 1930s and 1940s, over six decades ago.

"Ye Shall Die Like Men"

God is not a racist. He has no use for haters. In the Holy Bible, our Saviour totally refutes and condemns the heinous and unconscionable Master Race theory, confirming to us that there is nothing holy in men's flesh and blood: "Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God" (I Corinthians 15:50).

In the Bible, King David flatly told the unrighteous Jews that even though by tradition they claimed they were gods, "ye shall die like men" (Psalm 82:1-8).

The Jews fervently believe their blood is divine, and that only the Jews comprise a Holy Nation. They view themselves as "God's Chosen," a special Master Race. Their Zionist leaders smugly view other peoples as vermin, as inferior and of little value. The Jews and their leaders are sadly mistaken. They are in dire need of instruction and repentance.

Moreover, our God is preparing for them a great surprise. Unless they repent of their racism and sins and turn to Jesus Christ, these elitist Jews are going to a place where there is a lot of room. Indeed, Proverbs 27:20 and Isaiah 5:14 assure us that Hell is never full, and is always being enlarged. Thus, there is plenty of room amidst the flames for the ungodly Jews whose arrogance and pride cause them to esteem themselves the Master Race.-END
(By Texe Marrs)

Personal comment-This is why I pray without ceasing for the Jews and their salvation. I have worked among Jews for 3 decades now. I deeply love them, without apology. My heart is sickened over all my investigative journalism has uncovered throughout the years, whether regarding Jewish involvement in the Illuminati (Rothschilds) or Sabbatean Satanism (exclusively Jewish) or the truth about the roots of COMMUNISM, and now THE NOAHIDE LAWS plan for mass genocide against Christians worldwide.

I fully realize that I stand to be hurt by such programs such as THE NOAHIDE LAWS and the guillotines now in place across my naiton in many military bases, with military training to operate them even as you read this. But...

Because JESUS CHRIST IS THE MESSIAH, and He IS Lord of my life, the love He has planted in my heart for the Jews will never change. It is a tiny fragment of His Divine love for His people, so very lost and perishing as they reject His truth and call to repent. My heart weeps for Jews who perish every day, without salvation through Messiah.

These Jews who believe these things, are not "bad, terrible" people. To explain it simply, they have been deceived by false doctrines of men as found throughout the TALMUD. The true enemy is never nationality, but rather doctrine and ideology. Doctrine and ideology can make men into either SAINTS or SINNERS. People always act on WHAT THEY BELIEVE.

Such battles for truth to enter into the hearts of men, is never fought with hatred and violence and retaliation, but rather with God's eternal weapons of love, compassion, patience and gentleness and longsuffering. In the Christian world, there can be no place for hatred, revenge and retaliation. Not when we see these things from God's Divine and eternal perspective. Jesus the Messiah died for their sins as well, and for them to be saved as well.

"Father , FORGIVE THEM, for they know not what they do."~Jesus the Messiah

I spite of all I have uncovered through investigative journalism, I have no "hate" for these people and never will. Hatred never accomplishes the purposes of God in any life. Rather my prayer is that God grant these very Jews the CHESED (Divine grace) to have their eyes opened TO THE TRUTH, and may they enter into the wonderful mercies and love and salvation God longs to impart to each and every one of them THROUGH YAHSHUA HA'MASHIACH...the ONLY Messiah God will ever send to the Jews.

-Pamela Rae Schuffert

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