Monday, February 10, 2014

My Powerful Christian Testimony: Saved From DEATH!

On February 16, 2014, 
I will celebrate my birthday once again. 
What an exciting time to share my Christian testimony about how two doctors said I was only going to die at the age of 18... and how God proved them WRONG!

As people slowly age (and we all do) 
many also dread the coming of another birthday. 

However, I believe it is a time to rejoice! 

By Pamela Rae Schuffert presenting investigative journalism from a Biblical Christian perspective-

This week, I find myself  filled with joy and gratitude to my Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ. Sunday, February 16th,  I will celebrate yet another birthday, living far beyond what my doctors expected in 1971. 

I am alive to this day, only because of an amazing encounter with the power of God and His Son Jesus Christ that I experienced in 1971. Here is how that happened...

Throughout my high school years in Northern Virginia, beginning in 1966, I was very ill. I suffered from epileptic seizures that Dilantin and other drugs could not control. I suffered from other physical conditions as well.

To add to this, the years of my father terrorizing our family and traumatizing me in particular had served to drive me into a vegetative withdrawn state, filled with fear and rejection and deep depression. I had no desire to live and no hope for a normal future by the age of 18. Both of my doctors had given up on my hopes for a normal life by then.
Park Avenue, NYC

My Park Avenue physician, Dr. Kugelmass, finally told my mother in 1971 that I would never recover, could never enjoy a full life, and was only going die. And this diagnosis was made after 5 years of steady treatment, flying to him once a month for five years from the Washington DC area to New York City.

My other doctor in Trenton, NJ, also gave a similar prognosis as well. Neither physician could offer me any real hope for a normal life or healing at that time. I was devastated.

However, it was this suffering and illness that God finally used to drive my mother and I to Jesus Christ in search of hope and healing for my tormented body. And thus the third Jewish doctor in my life was Jesus Christ, the Great Physician!
"I Am come that they might have life, and have it more abundantly."

Here is what the Great Physician did for me! Jesus made a free house call. He diagnosed the problem: SIN. He provided the antidote: HIMSELF. And my life would never be the same again!

In 1971, one Sunday my mother and I attended a little Pentecostal church outside of Washington, DC. On that wonderful day, we heard the Word of God being preached exactly as it was written. I learned that I was a sinner, separated from God because of SIN. And that my sins separated me from a holy God and would someday send me to hell, UNLESS I received God's solution for sin, His precious Son Jesus Christ to save me and forgive me.
The Bible contains the WORDS OF LIFE for all mankind.

I was also told that the same Almighty God Who could save me through His Son, could also HEAL me completely, just as the Bible taught. 

Instantly, my mother and I realized that this is what we had been searching for all those years of turning to doctors and various drugs and treatments to alleviate my health problems.

How excited I became at those words! As the pastor spoke from the Word of God, I began to realize that there was HOPE after all. I was that one sadly lost sheep about to perish, that Jesus tenderly reached out to rescue from certain death.
"I AM the Good Shepherd."

That morning, despair gave way to joy as we both gave our hearts and lives to Jesus Christ. Soon after, I was baptized by immersion for the forgiveness of my sins. What a total change came into my life as a result.

Having found the true way to God at last, I returned to our home to gather up every one of over 50 books on the occult and the NEW AGE doctrines of demons, and threw them into the fireplace and burned every one of them into ashes. 

I was angry at the  lies contained in those New Age books! For years I had wandered in the darkness of false doctrines and occult lies that promised much, but delivered nothing but heartache and disappointment in the end.

My crystal ball and Ouija board were also burned into ashes, as I renounced these tools of the devil and the occult. They have no place in the life of the true believer in God through Jesus Christ! Furthermore, my crystal ball remained blank and my Ouija board never worked anyhow. They were not there for me when I was dying. But Jesus Christ WAS.

The BIBLE became my sole authority on spiritual truths, and I began to attend enlightening Bible studies and prayer meetings regularly.

Within several months after receiving Jesus as my Lord and Savior, an amazing thing began to happen. The terrible depression and rejection I had suffered from for years because of my father's oppression and my illnesses, all began to leave me, to be replaced with joy and peace and love.

We then began to attend evangelistic crusades with emphasis on salvation and divine healing as well. After attending 5 of these Christ-centered evangelistic services, I encountered the power of the Living God as never before. 

As my hands were lifted in praise to God while singing, every cell in my body was touched by His glory and healing power! I realized that I had been healed at last by the Great Physician, and that HIS WORD WAS TRUE regarding miracles of healing.
Reaching up for A MIRACLE!

Soon after this divine encounter with the Lord of miracles, I returned with my mother to my doctor in Trenton, NJ. He ran a series of tests on me, and every single one of them came back NEGATIVE! He knew then that somehow, I had been healed miraculously. 

He looked at me and exclaimed, " all of your tests have returned negative. You WERE a human will dying...I gave you no hope for a normal future, and NOW you are completely healed! Tell me...what did you do???"

Filled with excitement over the test results, I replied that Jesus Christ the Messiah had healed me.

My doctor responded with, "I don't care what you have has worked! I give you a clean bill of health. No doctor and no drugs could ever have done what has happened to you. I am writing a letter confirming that you have had a medically unexplainable miracle..."

God's amazing grace miraculously changed my life back in 1971, after my two doctors had initially given up all hope on me. Since then, I have had no more seizures or illness, no doctors,  few hospital visits, and have continued to experience excellent health ever since. Halleluia!
"Take up your cross and follow Me."

Following this wonderful encounter with Jesus Christ, I have followed Him ever since. What an exciting and fulfilling life it can become as you walk with God! His calling has taken me to many different schools of Christian training and spiritual growth. I have now traveled all over the world to minister, to lecture and to pray with others for salvation. 

I have had several websites, my own radio broadcasts, written several self-published books, and enjoyed many years of adventures with God through Jesus Christ my Savior. There is no more fulfilling and rewarding lifestyle, than that of the committed and obedient Christian.

In more recent years, when God called me to become an investigative journalist to warn His people about where America was heading, I have also learned to become a true survivalist as I live on the road to perform journalism and to report to the American people. Here faith in God plays a major role in surviving as well.
Learning to live a life of  prayer for everything we need.

Several death attempts were made on my life by those who opposed me for the kinds of truths I was uncovering and exposing. I have learned to live in prayer and under the protection of God due to the dangerous nature of the kind of journalism I have performed over the past 18 years. 

But then, so did the early apostles. The were opposed by unbelievers, set up to be killed, arrested and imprisoned, beaten, and many martyred for their faith. Actually, everything I have experienced throughout my Christian walk is only the normal walk of faith with Jesus Christ called DISCIPLESHIP. For the true disciple of Jesus Christ, persecution and suffering and martyrdom for one's testimony is the norm.
The early disciples of Jesus Christ were persecuted for their testimony of Jesus Christ.

Only by His grace and mercy am I alive today to share with you how wonderful life can truly be, when lived by faith in God and filled with the power of  His glorious Son, Jesus Christ. But grace and mercy is what salvation is all about for EVERYONE, including you and me. 

Our sins have separated us all from a holy and righteous God. We all stand in need of someone GREATER than ourselves to save us from our sins. And after searching for many years,  I finally discovered to y joy, that this "someone" was indeed Jesus Christ, the Great Physician and truly the Savior of the world.
Jesus Christ, the only hope and Savior of mankind.

And ultimately, that is what my reporting is really all about. Everything I have researched and reported on, only serves to drive me back to square one, to Jesus Christ the ANSWER to all of America's and the world's problems.

You will find that every single problem America is suffering from, is because of SIN and disobedience to the word of God. When wicked people alienated from God begin to rule over a nation, that nation and it's citizens will suffer directly as a result.

Whenever the citizens of a nation begin to turn from God's commandments, to live in sin and rebellion, tragedy and judgment must then come to that nation. God is a holy and just God who cannot and will not bless SIN AND REBELLION.
This is the time for AMERICA TO REPENT and RETURN TO GOD.

Every problem and subject I have covered regarding the approaching AMERICAN HOLOCAUST throughout the years, could  be resolved if  America and her leaders and her people would REPENT, believe God's eternal word, and receive His salvation from their sins provided through Jesus Christ! 

American can be HEALED! America can be RESTORED! But ONLY if the people of this nation take God's word seriously, and act on it NOW. America's destiny is not up to a handful of corrupt rulers. 

It is now up to millions of American citizens and how they respond to the WORD OF GOD. If we REPENT, God will restore us. And if we refuse to return to God and obedience to His commandments, AMERICA WILL BE JUDGED.


Without repentance, the great judgments and the wrath of God will inevitably fall upon this nation for SIN. Even our founding fathers knew that a nation that refuses to be ruled by God and His commandments, will then be ruled by tyrants instead. Judgment will follow!

But when God's judgments finally come to this nation, not even the most secure deep underground military facilities will be able to protect America's corrupt and despotic  leadership and alleged "elites" from the inescapable wrath of God! 

Though they should dig into hell itself, and hide themselves beneath the most sophisticated military technology their corrupt money can purchase, even there the wrath of God will find them, just as the Bible alludes to! There is simply "no where to run and no where to hide" from the scrutiny and the wrath of an OMNISCIENT AND ALMIGHTY GOD.

But because of Jesus Christ, there remains 
and an answer to the sins of mankind.

Is your life full of despair and suffering? Have you experienced tragedy recently? Are you suffering from problems that you simply cannot seem to find solutions for? I say unto you, THERE IS HOPE. DO NOT GIVE UP!
Let Jesus comfort you in your hour of grief.

Jesus Christ tells us that, "With GOD, all things are possible!" Jesus teaches us to "...have faith in God." The Bible reveals that there is nothing too hard for God to do. When you give your life completely to God and receive His Son Jesus Christ into your life as your Savior, great things start to happen as God begins to move miraculously in your life.
All things are possible to whosoever believes!

The Bible promises that you will find the hope that you need, the love and the peace that you long for, and the answers you have bee searching for all this time, when you come to Jesus Christ for salvation. 

I know that I certainly did! And Jesus has been impacting my life now for 43 wonderful years. And He will impact your life in wonderful ways as well. 

My birthday message for all who read this blog is, THERE IS HOPE FOR AMERICA AND FOR YOUR LIFE AS WELL, when you turn to God and His solution to the world's problems, Jesus Christ His marvelous Son.

I am excited to be alive in this hour of America's unfolding destiny. I rejoice that I have this opportunity to present the word of God and HOPE to a dying world around me. 

I thank my Father God in Heaven that He saved me and healed me 43 years ago, all through His wonderful Son Jesus Christ my Savior.

And one year older means that I am that much closer to HEAVEN and my eternal inheritance of glory!

And I even praise and thank Him that I too face martyrdom for His sake in America's future. Before Jesus was arrested and led away to be crucified, the Bible tells us He rejoiced with His disciples. Why? Because He chose to focus on the joy of what was BEYOND the suffering, the cross and the tomb!

And we too can rejoice, even as we see disturbing things approaching in America, as we choose to look BEYOND this temporal world and sufferings that are only for a moment, to behold the glory of the Risen Christ waiting to receive us into His eternal Kingdom!

And so, wherever you are, you can join me in  my birthday celebration this weekend, as we take hands by faith across the nation and around the globe to REJOICE in the goodness of God through Jesus Christ for ALL of us. I will pray for you, and you can also pray for me, and all of us loving one another in Jesus our Savior. What a wonderful way to celebrate a Christian birthday!

God bless you all, and may you also enjoy a happy birthday when it comes, rejoicing in everything God has done for your life as well. 

And knowing that you are just one year closer to entering into your eternal reward with HIM.
Candles on the birthday cake 
are just another reminder for us
to let our lights shine in a dark world.

-Pamela Rae Schuffert-


  1. whew!!!
    thanks for sharing that! ALL glory to God!
    and happy birthday!

  2. A unique and wonderful testimony.

    Pamela, have you considered leaving the United States?
    The United States is not in very End Time Bible Prophecy?

  3. Hope your birthday was as nice as you..God bless you.,,
