The following excerpts are taken from an article written by Dr. Lorraine Day. She is the wife of former Congressman William Dannemeyer.
The Noahide Laws
The Jews’ Secret Way to Murder Christians – by Beheading!!
And Most Christians Don’t Even Know These Laws Have Been PASSED by the United States Government!
Lorraine Day, M.D.
The “holiest” books of the religion of Judaism and the books that are the foundation of the entire secular culture of the Jews – religious or non-religious – are known as the Talmud, a racist, bigoted series of books full of vile hatred toward Jesus, Christianity, Christians, and every other non-Jew, as well.
The Talmud calls for the eventual slaughter of ALL “Gentiles”! It is undoubtedly the most Racist, Bigoted, Hateful series of books in the entire world!
The Talmud is the compilation of the false doctrines that were strongly rebuked by Jesus Himself when He was on earth. He referred to them as the “traditions of the elders” that “make the law of God of none effect.” For hundreds of years, the Pharisees passed them down from one generation to another as “Oral Traditions.” But finally they were written down and made into Jewish law - after the Jews had murdered Jesus Christ.
When the city of Jerusalem and its Temple were destroyed in A.D. 70, and the Jews were taken into captivity, the pagan heresies that had, since the pagan worship of the golden calf in the wilderness, been slowly infiltrating the true religion of the Israelites (which was the worship of the TRUE God and the coming Messiah, Jesus Christ), the Pharisees committed the “Oral Traditions” to paper, and the many books of these “Oral Traditions” were collectively called – the Talmud.
It was then that the paganism that had been performed in secret for hundreds of years – even by the priests in the temple – that undermined the worship of the true God, now became open and public, overwhelming the truths God had given to the Israelites. These heresies were written down in the books that subsequently became known as the Talmud (literally: “the teachings”) which became the “holiest” books of the religion of Judaism.
The religion of Judaism began AFTER Jesus was crucified – not before. Judaism was NOT the religion of the Old Testament. The religion of the Israelites in the Old Testament was - - - Christianity. The whole Old Testament is a history of a people – the Israelites – looking forward to the coming of the Messiah – Jesus Christ. When Jesus was on earth, He said to the Pharisees:
You search the Scriptures, thinking that in THEM you have eternal (literally – eonian) life; but THEY (the Old Testament Scriptures) are they that testify OF ME! (John 5:39)
Jesus was clearly stating that the Scriptures testified of Jesus Christ. And remember that the only “Scriptures” that had been written at that time were the books of the OLD Testament.
Jesus is revealing that the focus of the ENTIRE Old Testament is Jesus Christ – NOT Israel!
Israel was constantly straying from God – “whoring” after pagan gods, as God Himself stated numerous times. It was this undercurrent of paganism that began with the worship of the golden calf in the wilderness, and proceeded through the rebellion of Korah, Dathan and Abiram (Numbers, Chapter 16), and the wickedness of the sons of Eli, and the abominations done by the Priests in the temple as recorded in many Chapters in Ezekiel (especially Chapters 8-16) including the worship of the pagan god, Tammuz, the worship of beasts and insects, and the worship of the Sun god, that culminated in the spiritual blindness of the Pharisees and virtually ALL the Jews in NOT recognizing Jesus Christ as their Messiah – and their subsequent dastardly murder of Jesus by Crucifixion.
The murder of Jesus Christ was the culmination of hundreds of years of wickedness on the part of the Jews and their leaders, the Pharisees, leading to total spiritual blindness, the result of which was the beginning of the false religion of Judaism, with its diabolic “holy” books collectively called – the Talmud.
The origin of the Noahide Laws is the Talmud. The Noahide Laws have NOTHING to do with Noah, but are given this name to deceive the masses, and to try to give these diabolic “laws” Biblical credibility and authority.
Unfortunately, the vast majority of Christians have never even heard of the Noahide Laws, even though their (the Christians’) Death Sentence is “signed, sealed and delivered” within these “Laws.” These outrageously evil Talmudic Noahide Laws were concocted by the Jews as a way to 1) take control of, 2) rule over, and 3) EXTERMINATE - ALL Christians, and ALL “Gentiles”!
But a large number of these totally CLUELESS “Christian” Zionists, including Pastor John Hagee, James Dobson, Chuck Colson, Chuck Swindoll, Benny Hinn (who is Jewish), Kenneth Copeland, Tim LaHaye, Joyce Meyer, the late Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, and many other prominent Evangelists and Pastors are actually spending their time PROMOTING and DEFENDING the very people who are planning to EXTERMINATE them!
John Hagee has publicly declared that the Primary Mission of the “Christian” Church is to SUPPORT ISRAEL!
Whatever happened to the definition of a Christian being - first and foremost – a follower of Jesus Christ?
Eventually, Jewish Zionism – working behind the scenes – will manipulate the Christian Zionists into forcing ALL on earth to worship the Jews – and - to worship Satan, who is the acknowledged leader of, and gives authority to, both the first and second beasts.........
We can see that Satanic Plot developing right before our eyes in the ranks of the 70 million evangelical Christian dispensationalists – those who believe that the Jews (who are persecuting and genociding the Palestinians and the people – especially Christians – in many other nations around the world) – are God’s “chosen people.”
Their utter spiritual blindness is absolutely shocking!
We will see in this study that the Orthodox Jews plan to rule over every “Gentile” in the world, referring to them (us) as Hasidic Gentiles, those who are under the control of the Orthodox Hasidic Jews, by the imposition of the Noahide Laws.
The Jews do not want the Gentiles to convert to Judaism because they view Gentiles as lower than beasts and consider contact with a Gentile as “defilement.” All Gentile women are called Whores by the Talmud, and all little Gentile girls are called – Little Whores. All Gentile men are considered homosexuals by the Talmud. And if a Jewish woman marries a Gentile man, the Jewish woman now is termed a Whore.
However if a Jewish prostitute has sex with a Jewish man (a “John”), she is NOT considered a Whore!
You can see why Jesus said, “You have made the word of God of NO EFFECT through your (Oral) Traditions, which you have handed down. (Mark 7:13)
Doctor Lorraine Day
-Pamela Rae Schuffert
From the Jew's mouth, the Devil speaks to humanity.