Tuesday, June 15, 2010

What's RIGHT About Christianity And Mainstream Churches in USA Today

Or, the blessing of when Christians DO Come Through!

By Pamela Schuffert presenting investigative journalism from a Biblical Christian perspective-

The following reflection is my personal article in response to the HENRY MAKOW article recently published, outlining one person's criticism of Christianity today. The following is the link for the article he published.


After reading it, I felt challenged. I simply HAD to publish the following article of mine in response.

First of all, I want to praise God for the many times that so many Christians in mainstream churches have come through for other people, and more recently for ME as well.

Personally, had it not been for the wonderful Christians in Montreat, NC and Montreat Presbyterian Church (EPC) I probably would have died during the past difficult years in which I traveled nationwide/worldwide to investigate and publish my reports outlining the coming "American Holocaust" or NWO world globalist takeover of America.

My life being in danger countless times from many things, including from exposure to extreme elements due to living/sleeping in my unheated vehicle night after night while living on the road to research, and many other factors, I never could have survived the challenges had it not been for the love, prayers and support in so many ways from my fellow Christians nationwide and in my church at Montreat, NC.

A wonderful elderly retired missionary couple to China, long term residents of Montreat, were the faithful ones who forwarded my mail and financial support to me wherever I was, nationwide, year after year. They were the ones who faithfully encouraged their prayer group weekly to uphold me in prayer during my challenging circumstances.

Did they always understand or agree with my research or political convictions, etc.? No. But that never stood in the way of their expressing true Christian solidarity and love and prayer and support! God's people, however small a remnant in today's world, have always been there for me in my darkest and most challenging times.

More recently, I returned to Montreat from the West to help a family move to another home. Shortly after assisting them, my vehicle then expired and had to be towed to a junk yard. Since I had been using my vehicle for not only transportation but also for my "home on the road" as well, I was immediately faced with the crisis of NO transportation and NO home! Neither did I have a paying job in the area nor funds to provide these essential items.

The wonderful Christians at my church came through once again, and the retired missionary couple who had faithfully forwarded my mail and reader/listener support to me all over the nation for many years, offered me the use of their small cabin at Montreat until I could get back on my feet. It has been about a year now since I accepted their kind offer, and have finally been able to regain my footing with another vehicle I was recently given (donated by an organization that supports missionaries) and able to finally find work in home health care locally to support myself.

How many times these kind people came through for me, when I had NO food or even money to wash my laundry, or to purchase even toilet paper, etc!

I shudder to think of what might have happened to me, had not this wonderful Body of Christ in America, along with my church, come through for me according to Biblical admonitions.

And there are many more Christians across our nation, who are attempting to also obey God's Word and to come through for others in crisis as well.

I also shudder as I think about just how terrible a condition AMERICA would be in by today, IF it were not for the faithful Christians, determined to follow God's Word and live by His commandments, who make the difference in our nation.

The world is capable of finding fault with ANYTHING and ANYONE...including the very Son of God, Jesus Christ Himself! But it is not hard to look and see the difference that true disciples of Jesus Christ, imitating His love and compassion and virtues in today's world, can make.

I, for one, am thankful for MY "mainstream church" that has touched so many lives throughout the past, and continues to touch so many lives around them to this very day...MY life included.

Furthermore, when the NWO globalists/communists begin to arrest and persecute and attempt to remove the Christians from our nation into the detention camps, the globalists will personally witness the blessings of God lifted off our nation and the wrath of God fall upon America in it's place as never before.

It has only been BECAUSE of God's righteous remnant of faithful Christians residing in America, that His wrath has been withheld from consuming this nation for the sins of America's unbelievers and satanists. The obedience of His genuine "chosen people" to His commandments, their faith and prayers, their righteous acts have all served to hold back the wrath of God from coming upon our nation as a whole.

As God revealed to Abraham thousands of years ago, if only TEN righteous people were found in Sodom and Gomorrah, He would withhold His righteous judgments from that region and spare the whole land. God's has withheld His holy judgments from coming fully upon our nation, for the sake of His righteous remnant!

Thank God for the genuine Christians in our nation, in fact from America's very foundation, including through the Puritans and the Pilgrims as well.

-Pamela Schuffert

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