Symbol of
"No weapon formed against you shall prosper..."
Isaiah 54:17
By Pamela Rae Schuffert presenting investigative journalism from a Biblical Christian perspective-
When I was a child growing up, I was surrounded daily with the influences of my father's USAF career. Our bookshelves were filled with books filled with military information and references.
While stationed at Offutt AFB near Omaha, Nebraska in the 1950's, I noticed that books and military magazines began our home with the term "Strategic Air Command" and SAC headquarters in them. (SAC is now called US Strategic Command, or USSTRATCOM. SAC was located at Offutt AFB.)
As a child, I was highly impressionable. I was also an avid reader from a very early age. I understood things that even adults did not understand at times. I loved that symbol representing SAC, as illustrated above. Wow, I thought, LOOK at that power coming from the right hand, against the background of the sky. I was very impressed with that symbolism. Cool! And God had a reason because...
Many years later, I was later to find numerous Bible verses referring to THE RIGHT HAND OF GOD.
"Thy RIGHT HAND is become glorious in power:
Thy right hand, O Lord,
hath dashed into pieces the enemy."
Exodus 15:6
Notice how in this USAF symbol above, the hand being depicted filled with power is THE RIGHT HAND.
What an excellent reminder of the glorious power of THE RIGHT HAND OF GOD!
And this was what God used to inspire the concept of "STRATEGIC PRAYER COMMAND" including a blueprint for successful and victorious intercessory prayer in my life.
Throughout my years of spiritual growth as a Christian, I repeatedly learned about the incredible power of INTERCESSORY PRAYER.
Coming from a military background family, I found myself combining the power of spiritual warfare and intercession with principles found in military strategies for waging successful combat and warfare. After all, Christians are placed in this battlefield of life to overcome and WIN the battle! We are never called to DEFEAT.
In fact, great and glorious promises are given by Christ throughout the New Testament, exclusively TO THOSE WHO OVERCOME, or are victorious.
Christians in North America may often forget that we are in a deadly battle zone every day we exist on this planet. Every day there are numerous casualties throughout the world. And Christians are often found among them globally.
RIGHT NOW we are dealing with a deadly CORONAVIRUS OUTBREAK...a pandemic that however shows evidence that it is artificially created and being used to help create NATIONAL DISASTER sufficient to declare MARTIAL LAW, medically.
Persecution is also steadily increasing against THE CHRISTIAN worldwide, due to mankind's descent into barbarity and spiritual chaos whenever the message of salvation through Jesus Christ is rejected.
Muslims who reject the Gospel are brutally murdering and beheading Christians in various locations throughout the world. They are burning churches and causing Christians to flee their homes to become refugees in dismal relocation camps.
Communists who reject God and the message of salvation are also oppressing and martyring Christians throughout every Communist nation.
Christians imprisoned under Communism
The NWO adherents of NORTH AMERICA who admittedly worship Lucifer and seek to bring forth his NEW WORLD ORDER under his control, are also pushing for the persecution of the Christians in various nations and regions. Not only persecution, but ultimately DESTRUCTION OF THE CHRISTIANS.
They realize that no Christian will ever accept or acquiesce to a world government under Lucifer and his followers. Therefore, Lucifer is literally demanding our utter destruction, as former satanists admitted to me personally. This is not merely abstract and hypothetical: this is really what is happening behind the scenes in our world today.
This is why Christians are being continually abducted and sacrificed by satanists in rituals worldwide, as I have previously reported during years of researching and documenting SATANISM IN AMERICA TODAY. Lucifer is demanding out destruction, and his followers simply do as they are told.
We live in a world in which the Christian cannot afford to be naive or ignorant of Satan's devices, nor of the world's. Whether you realize it or not, YOU are the target of the enemy's strategies to defeat and destroy THE CHRISTIAN from the face of the earth in this generation.
And it is never God's will for you to be defeated or destroyed by the enemy! We are called to be OVERCOMERS.
As we all face the uncertainties and challenges of the 21st century, this is a time for SPIRITUAL WARFARE at it's finest. We have no choice: we are an endangered generation, even terminal. Christians face tremendous persecution WORLDWIDE.
We live on the threshold of WWIII. Many calamities await this generation as sin and darkness increases, including in the military realms where much future destruction worldwide will inevitably come from. Effective spiritual warfare is essential for the Christian to overcome and survive what is coming to our world in our generation.
God's people must urgently press on to learn what effectual spiritual warfare is all about. All effective spiritual warfare should involve FASTING (when physically possible) AND INTERCESSORY PRAYER.
Every Christian must learn THE POWER OF THE WORD OF GOD and learn how to apply it successfully in their daily walk, just as Jesus our Savior did and overcame the world as a result.
It was while meditating on all this one day, when the idea of "STRATEGIC PRAYER COMMAND" came into my mind. Here is what the dictionary says about the word "strategic:"
stra·te·gic (str
k) also stra·te·gi·cal (-j
1. Of or relating to strategy.
a. Important or essential in relation to a plan of action: a strategic withdrawal.
b. Essential to the effective conduct of war: strategic materials.
c. Highly important to an intended objective: The staff discussed strategic marketing factors.
3. Intended to destroy the military potential of an enemy: strategic bombing.
The Bible reveals that Christians who overcome shall rule the world with a ROD OF IRON, shattering the rebellious as a clay pot is shattered.
"He who overcomes and keeps My deeds to the end, to him I will give authority over the nations, and he shall rule them with a rod of iron, as the vessels of the potter are broken to pieces, as I have also received authority from my Father..."
From Revelation 2:26-27
One day as I was praying strategic prayers against the enemy, the Holy Spirit began to reveal to me deeper realities about this verse found in Revelation about overcoming to rule with Christ in this world.
RIGHT NOW, I am an OVERCOMER through faith in Jesus Christ and His blood and word. And IF I am an overcomer, I can then reign with Jesus Christ!
RIGHT NOW, I am called to bring forth THE WILL OF GOD on earth.
RIGHT NOW, I have the authority given through Christ Jesus to bind the enemy.
RIGHT NOW, I have the authority of God through Christ Jesus to shatter the enemy's plans and purposes in the earth, even as a pot is shattered.
God's eternal word is that rod of authority and power through which satan's plans are shattered. And His word is embodied in His Son, Jesus Christ. And Jesus Christ resides in the heart and life of every Believer! Christians can speak the word of God against the enemy, and they can PRAY the word of God against the enemy as well.
Many Christians presume that this verse and other related verses in Revelation 3:21 is ONLY for a future time, when Christ returns to reign on earth for a thousand years and we reign with Him in resurrected bodies. But remember: His spiritual kingdom in HERE on earth now, even prior to His return. Jesus declared that the Kingdom of God is in our midst TODAY.
We know that God has not called His people to simply sit back and let the deadly enemy have his way unchallenged in our world today. I refuse to sit back in apathy. Through much research, I can see the multitudes of victims all over the world. People are suffering and dying because of the enemy's tactics and cruelty, Christians included. And my heart breaks.
Martial law is coming to America
Through many years of research as a journalist, I also understand the enemy's plan for our nation, and the planned persecution leading to martyrdom for many Christians in North America.
Many of us realize that Russia and China will ultimately attack the United States as well, and nuclear strikes are destined for American soil also, destined to destroy millions of victims in their deadly wake. And many will sadly lament, "HOW could God allow this to happen!"
The answer is simple and Biblical: what we have unjustly and militarily inflicted upon other nations, is destined to come right back upon America someday.
US troops defending poppy (translated: HEROIN) crops in Afghanistan...
such a noble cause? How shameful.
You may then say, "But I haven't done any of this to other nations!"
Ah, but it is SOME American's son or daughter or spouse in the US military that has inflicted destruction upon other nations. It is SOME American's tax dollars that has funded our wanton destruction in other nations. Collective guilt therefore rests upon many Americans for our war crimes and civilian deaths throughout the world.
Innocent victims of US war policy in Iraq
What America has sown militarily in other nations, America shall sadly reap. And many innocent people will be hurt or killed as well...just as we have done in other nations. This is an inescapable Bible principle of sowing and reaping. I am saddened by all this and deeply concerned therefore for the safety of America's Christians in the future.
Military sources from Kirtland AFB confirmed this completely one day. "It's not a matter of IF, but WHEN. There WILL BE nuclear strikes on American soil someday, because of America's foreign policies in the Middle East. THIS IS WHY WE ARE STOCKPILING UP TO TEN YEARS WORTH OF EMERGENCY FOOD SUPPLIES IN OUR DEEP UNDERGROUND BASES........"
The world today is filled with deadly military weapons designed to destroy men's lives. SCALAR weapons, laser/maser/taser weapons, DEW (directed energy weapons as used to bring down the Twin Towers,) chemical/biological nuclear warfare missiles, weather modification technology that already has destroyed or injured thousands of lives as it creates destructive weather patterns worldwide.
Military command post
Tragically, the people sitting behind the control panels who push buttons and punch codes to operate and control all this deadly 21st century "Star Wars" military warfare technology and destructive weather modification through HAARP are NOT primarily Christians. Therefore, their agendas with this powerful equipment are never Biblical nor for our well-being, as we can clearly see by the deadly results of their activities.
Such dangerous advanced military technology in the hands of God-fearing people with noble intentions (like SAVING the world) would be wonderful!
However, instead this technology and advanced weaponry is sadly being used for numerous destructive purposes to enable these people to control mankind and the future of the world for the corporate globalists and the Illuminati.
Hurricane damage from KATRINA,
thanks in part to military weather modification technology
Military weather modification technology producing horrific hurricanes such as KATRINA, or various tsunamis, or to create drought leading to artificially induced famines for their hidden agendas, is NOT of God nor is it beneficial to mankind. Rather, it is destructive, taking the lives of many. Therefore we can know it's roots and origins are of Satan, or demonic.
Jesus declared that the thief only comes to steal, kill and destroy. He used these words to characterize Satan. And that is exactly what destructive military technology in the hands of the ungodly is doing throughout the world today.
I don't know about you, but the more I uncover about such deadly technology and the destructive ways it is being used against mankind today, the more I am compelled to enter into strategic prayer to combat this terrible darkness threatening the very existence of mankind today.
In fact, it would probably illegal in the sight of a corrupt government to publish my actual prayers online verbatim! I pray very hardcore prayers intended to tear down the strongholds of satan and his agendas through the ungodly for our world today.
But we are all called to enter into mighty spiritual warfare that effectively tears down the plans and strategies of the enemy of mankind and his depraved followers. Christians are never called to sit back and let the enemy have his evil way unchallenged. Apathetic Christians can never change the world!
Intercessory prayer can shape the world! It can bring down tyrants. It can destroy the purposes of satan and those under his control. It can liberate God's people from the yoke of persecution and oppression, to reign victoriously with Christ instead. It can set the lost soul free from sin and bring sinners to brokenness and repentance.
This is a time for SPIRITUAL WARFARE as never before in this world's history. The military apparatus in many nations has developed deadly weapons for world conquest that have the potential to destroy every living thing on the face of the earth now.
One limited nuclear exchange between two countries could cost millions of innocent lives, and induce a NUCLEAR WINTER that would destroy crop-growing for many years.
Navy laser, DEW (directed energy weapon)
SCALAR and DEW "star wars" type weapons are now even able to help trigger earthquakes and volcanos and tsunamis and other artificially induced disasters. And many Christians can (and will) be caught in their destructive wake as well. Some have already died in man-made tragedies such as 9/11.
Take the challenge of the age we live in seriously. Form your own personal "STRATEGIC PRAYER COMMAND" and be led by the Holy Spirit as you map out a strategy for effectual intercessory prayer, both on a personal level, a national level, and international as well.
As I perform research into the dangers our generation faces today, I then begin to seek God for an effectual response through FAITH, PRAYER AND ACTION.
Whether it is prayer against martial law and planned persecution for the Church in North America, or prayer against military crimes against humanity with their advanced weaponry already guilty of murdering innocent people worldwide and right here in America as well (9/11 and DEW/mini-nukes bringing down the towers,) I always seek God for an effective strategy to combat such darkness with the weapons of light and faith that He has given us through Jesus Christ and the word of God.
Because the God Who answers prayer EXISTS
and remains ALMIGHTY and can never be
defeated by the darkness!
Let us therefore, as concerned Christians, join hands together across this nation, and across the globe as well,
and become a part of God's "Strategic Prayer Command."
Prayer that is led by the Holy Spirit, based on the word of God, and fueled by faith in the Living God through Jesus Christ His Son, can NEVER fail to produce powerful results!
Thank you for deciding to take the time to PRAY and to allow God to use YOU to shape the destiny of the world!
For the hands of God are moved BY OUR PRAYERS.
And that means YOURS.
-Pamela Rae Schuffert-
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