"Remember them [Christians] in bonds
as if bound with them..."
Hebrews 13:3
By Pamela Rae Schuffert presenting investigative journalism from a Biblical, Christian perspective-
ONLY TODAY, I read an article online about COPTIC CHRISTIANS RECENTLY BEING TARGETED AND KILLED BY ISIS IN EGYPT. But sadly, it is estimated that Christians who are martyred for their faith number at least 150,000 or more annually, worldwide. Christians are persecuted frequently in Communist and Islamic nations, and many others besides.
Even here in North America, concerned Christians have witnessed discrimination and persecution increasing in various ways, including in the work place, schools and colleges and other places.
THE BIBLE TEACHES THAT OUR CHRISTIAN PRAYERS of compassion and support truly uplift the hearts of suffering saints throughout the world.
I remember one time praying for Christians persecuted under COMMUNISM, imprisoned in the terrible GULAGS of former Soviet Russia.
How great was their suffering!
Christians martyred in the GULAGS under COMMUNISM
The Holy Spirit of God spoke as we prayed and said, "EVEN NOW, they are FEELING YOUR PRAYERS. When you pray for My persecuted children, you are honoring ME, for this is MY BODY of Believers...."
We as Christians in North America must always remember: THE MERCY YOU SHOW TODAY, IS THE MERCY YOU SHALL REAP IN THE FUTURE.
"Blessed are THE MERCIFUL, for they shall obtain mercy, "Jesus promises.
I have written extensively over the past twenty years of investigative journalism, about the PLANNED PERSECUTION OF THE CHURCH IN NORTH AMERICA under martial law.
SATAN HATES THE GENUINE CHRISTIANS, and so do those deceived and lost souls under his control, many of whom today form a part of the Biblically prophesied "NEW WORLD ORDER" as described in Revelation 13...the final world government, under satan and his antichrist's control, before THE RETURN OF JESUS CHRIST to reign on the earth.
The Holy Spirit has warned MANY of God's children throughout North America that PERSECUTION IS COMING..even unto martyrdom for some. And for those who would protest, saying they don't need to worry because "THE RAPTURE" will take them out first, I would like to point out that Christ's return will NOT necessarily be timed to occur WHEN WE WANT IT TO!
Hundreds of thousands of Christians are being martyred annually worldwide to this present hour, and no "quickly rapture" took them out.
Over these past 100 years, tens of MILLIONS OF CHRISTIANS have been martyred under COMMUNISM, ISLAM, and other cults...including UNKNOWN MARTYRS who died on the satanic altars of North America and the world.
NONE of these were "quicky raptured out" conveniently. They paid the price for following Jesus Christ, embracing the cross to follow Him and giving their lives for His testimony.
Christians in North America who believe that somehow they will be "raptured out" before suffering the loss of even a hangnail for Jesus' sake, are sadly deceived and have NO SCRIPTURE TO STAND UPON, that proves that Jesus Christ will come when they want Him to!
Rather, Jesus warns in Matthew 24 that BEFORE HIS RETURN, ALL NATIONS would hate the CHRISTIANS. And then, they would begin to persecute them and put them to death. Jesus also spoke of a GREAT FALLING AWAY at that time because of persecution.
"But he that endureth TO THE END, the same shall be saved." He did NOT say, "he that is raptured," but rather the person who remains faithful to Him to the end (unto death) WILL BE SAVED.
Matthew 24 therefore clearly indicates that IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO HIS COMING FOR HIS PEOPLE, Christians WILL be hated and persecuted and martyred on a world wide scale. And when Jesus said, "ALL NATIONS" would hate and persecute His people, this must INCLUDE NORTH AMERICA as well.
The Son of God cannot lie.
ONLY UNDER A WORLDWIDE KINGDOM OF ANTICHRIST CONTROLLING THE WORLD, can all nations simultaneously hate God's elect people, and persecute and martyr them. That kingdom is described in Revelation 13, to which Satan will give his throne, power and great authority and will be worshipped as the leader of this.
"What you Christians need to understand it, the NEW WORLD ORDER is Satan's kingdom manifested on earth, and THE SATANISTS are the backbone of it all. And as such, THE CHRISTIANS HAVE TO GO under the NWO! We knew they would never accept a one world government under Satan's control..."
-Confession to me of a former high level satanist, once working for the NWO agenda, who became a Christian and came out to TELL THE TRUTH.
This source admitted to me that this is what the many FEMA/DHS detention camps located across America are for: to get rid of all the Americans who will protest against the transition to a NEW WORLD ORDER agenda under martial law.
And she admitted that CHRISTIANS IN AMERICA were on the top of their hit list to arrest and transport to the camps under martial law TO BE ERADICATED. I have researched, documented and confirmed for many years now, the very prisoner boxcars with shackles, silently prepositioned across America in covert locations, and still being manufactured to this day.
They will be used under martial law to remove all resistance to the NWO across America, even as Hitler used trains to transport Jews to their death in the Nazi concentration camps. The Communists in Russia also used prisoner trains to transport religious and political resisters of COMMUNISM to their brutal GULAGS and prison camps scattered accross the former Soviet Union.
Another former CIA source admitted to me, "Oh, all of us in the CIA know what the detention camps are for in America. We all know they are to TERMINATE the future resisters of the NEW WORLD ORDER as it comes down in America under MARTIAL LAW..."-Michael Maholy, 20 years CIA/ONI.
Sadly, history DOES repeat itself, and THIS TIME it will happen on AMERICAN SOIL. And the mercy Christians show NOW to others persecuted for their faith, will be THE SAME LEVEL OF MERCY they shall receive when IT IS THEIR TURN to suffer for His sake.
Jesus reminds us: "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy."
And, "The measure you GIVE, is the measure you shall RECEIVE."
Scriptures furthermore warn us, "For he shall have judgment without mercy, who has shown no mercy..."
-James 2:13
In closing, remember the exhortation of the words of Jesus and the Scriptures, and REMEMBER THE PERSECUTED SAINTS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD in your prayers and in your giving and support, today, and always.
-Pamela Rae Schuffert