Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Have A Wonderful Christmas in His Love

~Celebrating the Son of God Come to Earth~
"For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given,
And the government shall be upon His shoulders.
And He shall be called:
Mighty God
the Everlasting Father
The Prince of Peace
Of the increase of His government
And peace there shall be no end..."
From Isaiah 53

By Pamela Rae Schuffert presenting investigative journalism from a Biblical Christian perspective-


The simple Nativity Scene above is a quiet testimony to where I stand on the issue of who is Lord of my home and life. It is simply a visual testimony to the greatest event in the annals of the history of mankind, a reminder of the glorious coming of the Son of God to this sad and troubled world.

(And for you legalists out there, no...these figures are not bowed down to nor worshiped as idols, as forbidden in the Bible. Who would be foolish enough to worship a bunch of plastic figurines from Sam's Club anyhow? Hey! I have the real thing, Jesus Himself! )

However, the Nativity Scene in it's proper perspective does provide society with touching visual reminders of that sacred time in history when God Himself sent His only begotten Son to this world, and the world will never be the same again.

You see, in a 5th wheel RV trailer, typically there is a large space centered in the front of the living room, with a shelf where a television is installed. This RV came with a TV shelf as well. Cable outlets are also installed next to it to provide cable access for the homeowner's television.

But you will never find a television on that shelf in my home. Instead, you will find a Nativity Scene now, and later a Bible and prayer altar dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Why? Simply because this is a home dedicated to the glory of God, and the truth of His eternal word. 
Family time with the television...or with God and the Bible?

Modern day television is filled with content that instead blasphemes God, and mocks both His truth and His people. Have you ever noticed how Satan works horrifically throughout modern media to pervert human minds and emotions, and to turn mankind away from faith in the living God?

The television of today has become a corrupting modern day idol. An idol because of how many Christians spend more time watching television, than they spend in worship and prayer and intercession in their home. Family altar and prayer together is often abandoned for evening sitcoms and the nightly news.

More time is spent watching television weekly in the average Christian's life, than going out to minister the Gospel and to pray with others, or to visit the sick and minister to the needy and to spread the Gospel throughout America and beyond.

I find this very tragic in a word that needs so much prayer and ministry, beginning right here in our very own neighborhoods and throughout our nation.

God has committed such great responsibility to His elect children to proclaim His eternal word to a world going insane with sin and corruption because they do not know His word, nor His Son Jesus Christ. 
Pray without ceasing.

Unto us as Christians God has given the responsibility to pray without ceasing for His will to be done in a ever-darkening world around us. We are to proclaim His word of truth to mankind, uncompromised by the world's sin and unbelief.

Jesus Christ, the divine One Whose birth many of us choose to honor at this time of the year, has commanded us to go into ALL the world to minister His awesome life changing Gospel of salvation and mercy to mankind.
The Author of "love divine, all loves excelling" has called each one of us to manifest His transforming love to the people we meet in our everyday lives. 

You see, if we as Christians do not take seriously His command to reach souls for Christ, who will? The secular world? Hollywood? The unbelievers? 

There is no other group of people that God has commissioned and anointed with His Holy Spirit and power to reach out to the lost and perishing, than His Christian children throughout the world.

Therefore as Christians, we must take THE GREAT COMMISSION of Jesus our Savior far more seriously than many Christians actually do. 

With the time and labor it takes to fulfill THE GREAT COMMISSION, what Christian can truly find TIME for "hell-avision" (and other forms of empty entertainment) in their lives anyhow? 

If you are seeking FIRST to serve Christ and to influence the lives of others for him, then everything that is not of eternal importance must be put aside in our lives. CHRIST FIRST!

"But seek ye FIRST the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you."

Matthew 6:33

Therefore ANYTHING that takes the place of  God the Father and His redeeming Son Jesus Christ, in our time and our lives and thoughts becomes an idol to be renounced and replaced with HIM.

Discerning Christians should use the Christmas season as a time to reorient ourselves, beginning with placing Jesus Christ and our Christian walk in the proper perspective in our daily lives.

Emerging forth from our relationship with God through Jesus Christ, will come every good fruit of love and compassion, truth and holiness, and grace and power to reach this self-destructing world for His kingdom and glory.

And that is exactly why God sent His Son Jesus Christ into this world.

"For God so loved the world, 
that He gave His only begotten Son, 
so that whosoever believes in Him 
shall not perish but have everlasting LIFE."
John 3:16
"I Am come, that they might have LIFE, and have it more abundantly."
John 10:10
"And this is eternal LIFE, 
to know Thee, the only true God, 
and Jesus Christ 
Whom Thou hast sent."
john 17:3

My prayer is that everyone who reads this blog is touched by the power of His love and compassion, both at this joyous season, and always.

Are you hurting within? Are your needs great? Does depression fill your life? Are you sick? Do you feel all hope is gone?

Then, dear friend, Jesus Christ is for YOU! And YOU are exactly the reason that was in the heart of God for WHY He sent Jesus to this world we live in.

This is a time for you to reach UP to God in hope, and RECEIVE His glorious gift of salvation and peace within your heart today.   This forever remains the greatest gift of God to all mankind.

God made salvation so simple! Jesus declared that all we have to do is come to Him by faith, asking Him into our lives and asking Him to forgive our sins. 

And then walking in the light of His wonderful word that is designed to bless you life with miracles, peace and comfort, and help in your time of trouble.

God can never break His eternal promises, and He is present everywhere by His Holy Spirit to minister to you right where you are.
God's promises are His eternal gift to YOU

You may be homeless or living in your car. (I was for thirteen years until Jesus miraculously provided a new home for me free of charge.

You may be in a nursing home or a hospital.(I once was sick and dying over a period of five years until Jesus divinely healed me.

You may be in jail or prison. (I was more than once, for Christian pro-life outreach. Jesus used my powerful Christian witness in such places, but He always got me out again.)

But just as Jesus was there to rescue me every single time, Jesus is where YOU are, to touch your life and fill it with His wonderful compassion and peace and hope again.

This is the only true reality and purpose that the celebration of Christmas is all about. It is not about the presents or the cookies or the tree...but rather about celebrating God's gift of salvation to the world... 
May God bless all of you during this week of Contemplation and Rejoicing as many devout Christians celebrate all over the world the true  meaning of the gift of LIFE ETERNAL.

Pamela Rae 

Sunday, December 14, 2014

UPDATE-My Beloved Brother Has Finally Gone Home.

12/18/2014 Anno Domini

"Welcome home, my son!"
~John Jospeh Schuffert~

~Today, my brother John has just received the greatest Christmas gift that God could ever give him. John has finally gone home to be with his Father in Heaven forever and ever. 

Only the grace of Jesus Christ his Savior could make this everlasting miracle possible.

Following five long years of suffering and pain in various nursing homes and hospitals, my precious baby brother whom I loved from the day he was born, has entered into eternal glory and peace at last.

Although I will deeply miss him, I know that John is in a far better place. I can have joy and peace within, knowing that John received Jesus with all his heart and became a member of God's family through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ His Savior 5 years ago.

And where he has gone, I too shall someday follow.



"Oh death, where is thy sting?
Oh grave, where is thy victory?
But thanks be unto God, 
Who always gives us the victory
by Jesus Christ!"

~I Corinthians 15:55, 57~

Rejoice with me this Christmas season, 
that another one of God's precious children 
has gone home to be with Him at last.

"Blessed are the dead who die 
in the Lord from now on."

~Revelation 14:13~

In loving memory of 
John Joseph Schuffert

~June 12, 1956~

Born Again in Christ

Went Home to be with Jesus
~December 18, 2014~
-Pamela Rae Schuffert-